Similar Blogs

I have four total blogs on WordPress:

  1. When I reply to your comments, you may see someone named “icantwait48” as the author. Don’t worry: that is my personal WordPress account, which is my primary account. It is mostly used as my playwriting journal; I also post drafts of my short plays as well so read on, if you’re interested! :
  2. I also started an advice blog a while back. Only a few people have taken me up on that offer though. That’s why, in order to keep it alive, I started creating daily tips called “Daily Purposes”. Sarah W. is an alter-ego of mine, who was actually based on the main character of my musical!:
  3. People get bored all the time and I have a lot of free time nowadays. I’m watching TV every single day, so I figured, maybe I could review what I watch. It’s less of a review though and more like a list of immediate responses, like they do on BuzzFeed. Still a lot of fun to read! I’ve gotten lots of readers, so check that out as well!:
  4. And this one! A collection of thoughts that the typical amateur cook may have as they dive deeper into the culinary waters.